Failed WordPress Update – Round 1

I recently attempted to update my WordPress installation.  The goal was to update the website to the latest WordPress, 4.3.1 from 4.2.4.  After clicking update, in less than a split-second, the site returned ERROR 500 and that’s it.  The logs are sporadically placed so I had trouble finding them.  I don’t know if CentOS likes dropping logs closer to the codebase’s location rather than in /var/log or if I inadvertently did that somehow but whatever the reason, I’m reconfiguring my server to drop its logs into /var/log.

When I try to start it by hand, all I get is a FAILED after two warnings.  That’s it:

[root@cvi log]# service httpd restart
 Stopping httpd: [FAILED]
 Starting httpd: [Tue Nov 17 18:27:27 2015] [warn] module php5_module is already loaded, skipping
 [Tue Nov 17 18:27:27 2015] [warn] module proxy_ajp_module is already loaded, skipping

My config has the following:

<IfModule !worker.c>
 LoadModule php5_module modules/
 <IfModule worker.c>
 LoadModule php5_module modules/

Looking up the httpd.conf manual and reading more about the IfModule sections, it seems like a legit configuration so I’m going to leave it.  Something else is causing my web server to fail to start.  I have yet to find a cause for the “FAILED” start and had to roll back my public website to an earlier snapshot…which HostGator accomplished for me without any issues.  Thanks, HostGator!  Whew!  That saved my week.

Now it’s time to reconfigure my logging so I can track this down when it happens again.