Grep Basics – But, Are You Sure You Want to Use Grep?

Keep in mind: many things you want to do in grep you can do in awk.  Or, maybe there is just a better way.  I learned grep early on and have been forcing it to do things it wasn’t really designed to do, so here I will actually be listing solutions using other tools – tools that may be better designed for the task at hand.

Display Line Number of a Match


awk '/textstring/ {print FNR}' textfile


sed -n '/pattern/=' filename

Working With Files in Shell

Inserting Text Before a Certain Line

(taken from SO)

$ cat animals

$ sed "/cat/ { N; s/cat\n/giraffe\n&/ }" animals

sed explained:

  1. match a line with /cat/
  2. continue on next line (N)
  3. substitute matched pattern with the insertion and the matched string where & represents the matched string


Write to File

cat << EOF >> /tmp/myfile.txt
Contents that are added to the file at the end
        You can indent files by spacing them appropriately



  1. Make sure the last EOF (called the LimitString) is actually the very first item on the line. Do not indent, do not do anything other than make EOF begin at position #1.  If you wish to indent your LimitString, you can use <<- to disable leading tabs.
  2. If you do not want to interpret variables in the text, use single quotes around the first LimitString: cat << 'EOF' > /tmp/myfile.txt
  3. To write the heredoc to a file using sudo: cat << 'EOF' | sudo tee /etc/http.d/my_ssl_config

External USB Refuses to Mount on macOS

I was working on some cryptography homework and remembered that I wanted to plug my iPhone into my iMac to charge it up.  I have a USB dongle that gives me room for 4 more ports.  I have noticed that the dongle is rather pathetic and can’t handle much throughput or utilization.  It doesn’t have enough for all of my peripherals so I try to use it for light-weight things like a wireless receiver for my Microsoft mouse and other stuff.  Well, this time I had a USB drive plugged in in addition to my iPhone, wireless sensor, and something else.  I opened Finder and checked my iPhone and noticed that it hadn’t been backed up for over two months.  I started an encrypted backup of my phone.  A few moments later, my external hard drive unmounted on its own.  I think the dongle basically stopped communicating with it because of the communication requirements of the iPhone backup.  I decided to move that USB drive to a port that is on my iMac directly.  When I plugged it in, after roughly two or three minutes, I recieved the error that the disk could not be mounted.

Could not mount DiskManagement disenter error 0
Could not mount DiskManagement disenter error 0

I tried to mount it by hand from the command line and got “Resource busy”.  Interesting.  What’s using it?  I’m not.

What disks are attached?

$ diskutil list
/dev/disk0 (internal, physical):
#:                     TYPE NAME                SIZE     IDENTIFIER
0:    GUID_partition_scheme                    *3.0 TB   disk0
1:                      EFI EFI                 209.7 MB disk0s1
2:               Apple_APFS Container disk2     3.0 TB   disk0s2

/dev/disk1 (internal, physical):
#:                     TYPE NAME                SIZE     IDENTIFIER
0:    GUID_partition_scheme                    *121.3 GB disk1
1:                      EFI EFI                 209.7 MB disk1s1
2:               Apple_APFS Container disk2     121.1 GB disk1s2

/dev/disk2 (synthesized):
#:                     TYPE NAME                SIZE     IDENTIFIER
0:    APFS Container Scheme -                  +3.1 TB   disk2
                            Physical Stores disk1s2, disk0s2
1:              APFS Volume Macintosh HD - Data 728.4 GB disk2s1
2:              APFS Volume Preboot             81.8 MB  disk2s2
3:              APFS Volume Recovery            526.6 MB disk2s3
4:              APFS Volume VM                  9.7 GB   disk2s4
5:              APFS Volume Macintosh HD        11.0 GB  disk2s5

/dev/disk3 (external, physical):
#:                     TYPE NAME                SIZE     IDENTIFIER
0:    GUID_partition_scheme                    *2.0 TB   disk3
1:                      EFI EFI                 209.7 MB disk3s1
2:     Microsoft Basic Data PJADATA             2.0 TB   disk3s2

Let’s do a generalized search for “disk” because a) I know /dev/disk3s2 isn’t mounted; and b) if something is using that device, it is using the device itself, not a disk as a mount:

$ sudo lsof | grep disk
UserEvent 155 root txt REG 1,7 29360 1152921500312401745 /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/
diskarbit 184 root cwd DIR 1,7 704 2 /
diskarbit 184 root txt REG 1,7 161760 1152921500312399232 /usr/libexec/diskarbitrationd
diskarbit 184 root txt REG 1,7 28056 12987595370 /Library/Preferences/Logging/.plist-cache.8jY7AXDN
diskarbit 184 root txt REG 1,7 28504528 1152921500312401357 /usr/share/icu/icudt64l.dat
diskarbit 184 root txt REG 1,7 1558736 1152921500312400397 /usr/lib/dyld
diskarbit 184 root 0r CHR 3,2 0t0 319 /dev/null
diskarbit 184 root 1u CHR 3,2 0t0 319 /dev/null
diskarbit 184 root 2u CHR 3,2 0t846 319 /dev/null
diskmanag 388 root cwd DIR 1,7 704 2 /
diskmanag 388 root txt REG 1,7 2190864 1152921500312399722 /usr/libexec/diskmanagementd
diskmanag 388 root txt REG 1,7 28056 12987595370 /Library/Preferences/Logging/.plist-cache.8jY7AXDN
diskmanag 388 root txt REG 1,7 1558736 1152921500312400397 /usr/lib/dyld
diskmanag 388 root 0r CHR 3,2 0t0 319 /dev/null
diskmanag 388 root 1u CHR 3,2 0t0 319 /dev/null
diskmanag 388 root 2u CHR 3,2 0t0 319 /dev/null
UserEvent 511 pja txt REG 1,7 29360 1152921500312401745 /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/
fsck_exfa 50042 root 3u CHR 1,13 0t0 2223 /dev/rdisk3s2

Ah! fsck is running!  The disk filesystem is being checked.  Now, let’s narrow our search just out of curiosity of what else fsck is doing:

$ sudo lsof | grep fsck
fsck_exfa 50042 root cwd DIR 1,7 704 2 /
fsck_exfa 50042 root txt REG 1,7 90400 1152921500312404229 /System/Library/Filesystems/exfat.fs/Contents/Resources/fsck_exfat
fsck_exfa 50042 root txt REG 1,7 1558736 1152921500312400397 /usr/lib/dyld
fsck_exfa 50042 root 0u CHR 3,2 0t180 319 /dev/null
fsck_exfa 50042 root 1u CHR 3,2 0t180 319 /dev/null
fsck_exfa 50042 root 2u CHR 3,2 0t180 319 /dev/null
fsck_exfa 50042 root 3u CHR 1,13 0t0 2223 /dev/rdisk3s2

When it was finished, my disk mounted all by itself.

$ mount |grep disk3
/dev/disk3s2 on /Volumes/PJADATA (exfat, local, nodev, nosuid, noowners)

Bash Basics

basename & DIRNAME

basename "$FILE"
filename="$(basename $FILE)"
path="$(dirname $FILE)"


Bash doesn’t have built-in true and false boolean values that can be used to test for validity.  It’s often just as clear to use 0 or 1 for false and true, respectively.
“For interactive use, like one-liners, make sure to leave a space after !, or it will do history expansion. ((! foo)) works, so does ! ((foo)). ((foo || bar)) works as expected”[1].  Also, remember that bash considers an exit code of 0 success while an exit code of 1 is failure.  If you are working with true being equal to 1 and false being equal to 0 your may have to adjust some bash-y expectations.


if (( flag )); then
  echo "Condition is true";


((false)) && echo false
((true)) && echo true
((!false)) && echo not false
((!true)) && echo not true



if TEST-COMMAND1; then
elif TEST-COMMAND2; then
elif [ $test_var -ge 3 -a $test_var -lt 11 ]; then


Find files that have been changed in the last 24 hours.

find /var/lib/ -mtime -1 -ls

-1 means anything changed one day or less ago.  +1 means anything that has changed at least one day ago.  Having only 1 means exactly one day ago.



Loop through a list of files.

while read patch; do
  patch -p1 -f < ${patch} &>> $PATCH_LOG
done < <(ls -l ${PATCH_SUBDIR}/*.patch)

parameter expansions (substitutions)

For even more reference, see the holy grail of bash PEs.

Replace a character in a string with another character.

$ VER=4.19.87
$ NEWVER="${VER//./_}"
$ echo "$NEWVER"


When you experience odd behavior with finding or not finding an installed or uninstalled program, you may need to refresh your remembered locations.

hash -r

See the following references: man hash | pip3 is looking for a wrong path | what does hash -r command do? | what is the purpose of the hash command


printf an exclamation mark.

Option 1: use single-quoted strings.

printf 'Unable to find config file.  Exiting!'

Option 2: add to the end of the string, outside of the quotes

printf "Unable to find config file.  Exiting" !

Option 3: print ASCII representation of ! character

printf "\041"

Option 4: Mix double quotes with single quotes (extension to Option 1)

printf "Unable to find config file.  Exiting"'!'" (that prints an exclamation mark just fine.\n"

Option 5: use a format string

printf "This (%s) is an exclamation mark%s\n" ! !

printf Two Variables
printf "%s %s" % "${MYSTRING1}" "${MYSTRING2}"



for i in $(seq 1 $END); do printf "$i\n"; done



The Set Built-in

Unless specifically required to not be, the second line of all Bash scripts ought to be: set -euf -o pipefail

Echo on for single command
set -x
ls $mydir
set +x

NOTE: In Jenkins, set -x is the default.  This echoes all commands.  Override by putting the following at the top of the “Execute Shell” build step:

#!/bin/bash +x


Change Case – Lower/upper

(I do not use “downcase” – it’s “lower case – that word needs to be exonerated from its duty of describing a letter case.)

Entire Word

I’m not even going to try to out-do this answer.

Though I will drop it here for quick reference:

$ myvar="True"
$ echo "$myvar" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'

First Letter

foo="$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< ${foo:0:1})${foo:1}"
String Substitution

Again, great post on StackOverflow.  Dropping it here for quick reference.

firstString="I love Suzi and Marry"
echo "${firstString/Suzi/$secondString}" 
# prints 'I love Sara and Marry'

Style guide



$ shfmt -w -i 4 -sr <file(s) or path...>


man page
TLDP BASH Programming How-To
TLDP Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
Google’s Shell Style Guide




-f Check if a file exists

if [[ -f "$FILE" ]]; then
  echo "$FILE exists"

-z Check if a variable is empty

if [ -z "$var" ]; then
  printf '$var is empty\n';
  printf '$var is not empty\n';


One-liner including password

NOTE: Do not use this if you do not want others to see your script or bash history, which includes your user’s sudo password.

Use case: SSH to a Clonezilla Server that is already running and already has a specific user created on it.  This user can SSH but the files on the Clonezilla live system are read-only so you can not edit /etc/sudoers file to specify NOPASSWD for your user.

$ echo <password> | sudo -S <command>

Trickster: to avoid exposing the password on the command history, start the command with a SPACE character.

Check for sudo in your shell scripts
if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then
  printf "You are root\n"
  printf "You are not root\n"


For easier cleanup, use trap



Default Value